​Gabrielle in the Pool

​Gabrielle in the Pool

Mobile comments on the impact of mobile technology and social media in today’s society. In these images, I recreate the relatively new phenomenon of people interacting with their mobile devices in public and private spaces, calling attention to the mental block and emotional disconnect that result from information-dependency. This headspace removes subjects from their immediate surroundings, often showing them entranced and absorbed by their mobile devices, and disconnected from others. This project explores the widespread change in socialization within both the public and private spheres, questioning how our use of technology alters our day-to-day experiences, heightening anxiety levels and removing us from our general awareness beyond our handheld devices. I capture my closest friends and family members in these moments, pulling their focus away from the device that monopolizes their attention in an attempt to regain a personal connection. I make these portraits with a 4x5 view camera, standing above the camera so that I am able to maintain eye contact with my subjects, engaging them in an unobscured manner. Yet, because I am also using a device to create the image, one could question if the subject’s awareness of their picture being taken is what awakens them from their isolated state.